Myth Vs Fact about An Apple
"An Apple A Day, Keeps Doctor Away"
- Gaining energy from the food.
- Production of red blood cells.
- Boost Immunity to fight against infection and various diseases.
- Maintains the integrity of blood vessels.
- Anti-oxidant.
- Improves digestion
- Lowers cholesterol level.
- Normal the blood sugar level.
- Protect the body against the harmful effects of oxygen free-radicals.
- Prevention of premature skin aging.
- Reduces risk of stroke.
- Prevention of cancer specially breast cancer.
- Keeps healthy brain and protects brain against diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
- Aid in weight loss.
But there are various myths associated with apples.
Here are those you should know!
👉MYTH: Apples are covered with wax.
Well its very common.
Most of you must have seen video, people put an Apple in hot water and the wax is coming out of it, also scratching Apple with a knife and pulling out wax from the surface of it.
Yes Apples are covered with wax which is the natural additives that is regulated by US FDA. The wax protects an Apple from molds, germs and bruises and make it fresh for a longer period of time. The wax is not dangerous if you consume it. It helps to prevent an apple from moisture loss. It is safe according to the food and drug administration. The wax is made from products like vegetables, petroleum wax, bees wax, shellac wax or resin. It also makes apple look shiny and prevent germs from getting inside.
👉MYTH: An Apple should be avoided by diabetic as they contain sugar.
An apple contains majority of natural sugar called fructose. The natural sugar is processed differently by body then other processed and added sugar in other food. It has a very little effect on blood stream Apple contains fiber and other nutrients. Fiber helps to prevent blood sugar spike and slows down the absorption of fructose. Other nutrients like Polyphenols present in Apple is effective in diabetes type 2 diabetes, improving body's ability to use insulin more effectively. Also as Natural sugar doesn't hit bloodstream at once liver gets time to metabolize it and slows down absorption and promote gut health.
👉MYTH: Apple are high in carbs and hence aid in weight loss.
Yes! Medium sized apple contain approximately 25 grams of carbs and around 25% of these carbs are from fiber. Fiber helps to reduce appetite and makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Thus aids in weight loss.
👉MYTH: Accidentally swallowing Apple seed, causes death.
Seeds contain chemical called amygladin which upon contact with digestive juices release poison called cyanide, but this poison cyanide is present in very small quantity so if you swallow Apple seeds accidentally along with apple don't worry. You need around hundred seeds or 10 Apple cores to have an effect of cyanide on you. Also cyanide is difficult to digest.
👉MYTH: One Bad apple spoils the whole bunch.
👉MYTH: Apple is rich in lot of vitamins.
👉MYTH: An apple a day keeps doctor away.
👉MYTH: An Apple cider vinegar aids in promoting weight loss.
👉MYTH: Apple should be eaten as a whole.
👉MYTH: Apple helps to prevent iron deficiency.
👉MYTH: If you plant the seed from an apple it will grow into a new variety.
👉MYTH: Only Organic apples are healthy for you.
Whether conventional or organic, fruits inherently nutritious and has ability to fight against diseases. At least two fruits per day is proven to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease or cancers. Choosing organic apples may reduce the risk of pesticide Residue but is equally healthy and nutritious. Hence, wash it before eating it.
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